The primary contract deliverable for many professional service contracts will be a document, plan, report, or other paper-based document. For certain service contract, such as contractors providing food services or hunger-relief services, the provision of food can also be a significant source of supply chain GHG emissions. Purchasers can directly influence the emissions related to these types of contract deliverables through contract strategies listed here.
These strategies will be applicable for other types of service providers that have a significant operational component, like office supply service vendors and janitorial service providers. However, specifications for the consumable products used to complete this types of service related work (e.g. recycled content paper products and green cleaning chemicals), are beyond the scope of this document.
While the proportion of total supply chain GHG emissions generated from these types of activities are typically smaller than those generated from a vendor’s facility and fleet operations, purchasers have more ability to directly influence these emissions sources through their contracting strategies.