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Founding Contributors
Bill Sheehan, Product Policy Institute
Brian Helmowski, CalRecycle
Calla Ostrander, City of San Francisco
Chris Jones, University of California at Berkeley
David Allaway, Oregon DEQ, Workgroup Co-Chair
Debra Kaufman, StopWaste
Demetra McBride, Santa Clara County
Eileen Sheehan, EPA Region 9
Evan Johnson, EPA Region 10, Intern Extraordinaire
Gary Liss, Zero Waste International Alliance
Gretchen Newman, Washingotn State Department of Ecology
Jennifer Brady, US EPA
Jill Simmons, City of Seattle
John Davis, Mohave Desert and Mountain Recycling Association
Josh Marx, King County
Madalyn Cioci, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Mark Gagliardi, City of Oakland
Meg Lynch, Metro (Portland)
Michelle Gaither, Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Center
Sanne Stienstra, UW Graduate Fellow
Saskia Van Gendt, EPA Region 9
Sego Jackson, Snohomish County
Shannon Davis, EPA Region 9, Workgroup Co-Chair
Shizuka Hsieh, US EPA
Ted Sheldon, B.C. Ministry of Environment
Timonie Hood, EPA Region 9
Tom Huetteman, EPA Region 9